Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Let's enjoy ECO LIFE! (Froshiki)

Japanese traditional wrapping cloth, Furoshiki is originally for carrying bag for Kimono when Japanese go to public bath in old ages.

This cloth is really eco friendly as you might know.
Let us show you some of how to wrap and carry something.

(1) Shopping Bag (Basic)

(3) Bottle Bag
(2) Shopping Bag 2 (Arrangement)
(4) Basic Furoshiki Wrapping


How to wash (white) Tabi

in washing net

1. Here's washing net.
I know hand washing is more recoomendable actually. So, I wash my Tabi by washing machine. I think washing-net keep the Tabi-clips away from hurting other laundry.
with toothbrush and toothpaste
2. If there are stains, use tooth brush and toothpaste (!!).
wash wash wash wash wash

and wash wash washwash wash.

bleacher!3. But mostly I skip the brushing and use bleacher. For patterned Tabi and/or coloured Tabi, you should be check the bleacher's instruction. (Some of bleachers will bleach ALL PATTERNS AND COLOURS and change your lovely Tabi to pure white.

throw into washing machine

4. Washing by machine : )
Of course, you can wash Tabi with other laundry. But just as same as ordinal laundry, you have to note when the laundry is including dark coloured ones. Separate washing is recommendable.

pinch insde5. Finish
I use hanging-drier (with clothespin) to dry. Please be noted to pinch
"inside" of the Tabi. Because the clothespin's mark can be covered when clipping (wearing).

How to handle Aizome (Japanese Indigo) products

Our Aizome products are dyed authentic Japanese indigo "Ai". For the first few tiems, the colour comes off on everything touched with those products.
Stay the "Ai" colours, before wearing (and before discolouring to to others), we recommend you RINSE after you receive it.

1. Make the vinegar-water-solution
The best comparison is 1/5 vinegar for a water.
It might be a cup of vinegar to water of a wash-tub. or a bottle or two bottles of vinegar to 1/3 water of bath-tub.

2. Water the Aizome product in the tub for a night or two nights

3. Rinse it by soap-water (very thin soap water) one time or two.This soap is for remove smell of vinegar.

4. Rinse it by water a couple of times until the discolouring stop.

If you hate the smell of vinegar, we can recommend you rinse it by water without vinegar. In this case, we recommend you to rinse by pure water, not warm , and without soap.

PLEASE BE NOTED THAT BATH-TUB MAY STAINED BY AI-INDIGO. Kitchen bleach might work to remove it, but it might be depends on the material.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Reinforcement for the Ninja-shouzoku

We line up "reinforcements" of the S-8332 newly.

* Double stitching on arm-pits and on fork at 3000-yen
* Patches on knees and elbows
* Fabric Changes (into 79A fabric, thicker cotton.)

We wish these services would also satisfy you again.