1. Here's washing net. I know hand washing is more recoomendable actually. So, I wash my Tabi by washing machine. I think washing-net keep the Tabi-clips away from hurting other laundry. | |
2. If there are stains, use tooth brush and toothpaste (!!).
wash washwash wash. | |
3. But mostly I skip the brushing and use bleacher. For patterned Tabi and/or coloured Tabi, you should be check the bleacher's instruction. (Some of bleachers will bleach ALL PATTERNS AND COLOURS and change your lovely Tabi to pure white. | |
4. Washing by machine : ) Of course, you can wash Tabi with other laundry. But just as same as ordinal laundry, you have to note when the laundry is including dark coloured ones. Separate washing is recommendable. | |
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5. Finish I use hanging-drier (with clothespin) to dry. Please be noted to pinch "inside" of the Tabi. Because the clothespin's mark can be covered when clipping (wearing). | |
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