Sunday, 18 November 2012

Kamidana, Shinto Shrine Altar

Hi there!

Do you know we carry Shinto Shrine Alter (Kamidana 神棚 (Miyagata 宮形)) for your home or for your Doujou?

So today, let us share how to choose a proper Kamidana for ourselves.

1.  Traditional ones of your family and of the district you live.

2.  Kamisama you will welcome.
The most popular general Kamisama, for home (for family), for company, for Dojou, for school?
Kamisama for the districts? Or Kamisama for bussiness (Oinari-sama)? Fukujin-sama or Taisha-sama or any other Kamisama you believe in?

3. Placement :
3-1  How big room (and cost) you can afford for the Kamidana. (Of course , we believe Kamisama will not see how much we pay for the Kamidana. But some people like (and maybe need?) gorgeous ones.)

3-2  We usually put two or three Ofuda inside of the Kamidana.
One is Amaterasu Oomikami-sama (The biggest, general, popular Kamisama in Japan), for Ujigami (Ubusuna)-sama (The one for the districts), and for the one in your heart. (Maybe somewhere you visit? or Kamisama of your Doujou , Ninjutsu school, your respected Samurai believe in maybe?)

If you will select one door Kamidana, put the three of them layered. If you will select three doors, put the Amaterasu-sama in the centre, right and left your districts' Kamisama and your special Kamisama.

You might be an owner and the big Sensei of your Doujou or the school. If  you are able to contact "your" bigger Sensei , ask him which Kamidana he holds? Following his choice might be the best way to select your new Kamidana.

If you just like Shinto idea, and will have one for your home, we will recommend the Shinmei one-door sk-001.

We are able to offer accessories for Kamidana, such as vases for Sakai, pots for Omiki, saucers and so on.

For the Ofuda(御札), as it is not commercial item, we are not able to carry.