Tuesday, 5 February 2013


We believe you know we carry Tessen, a kind of Samurai weapon but for decoration purpose now.
So many customers all over world love Japanese martial arts and purchased them from us.Thank you very much!

Now, Tessen of Fu Rin Kazan (of Takeda Shingen) and Bishamonten (of Uesugi Kenshin) are sold out. (And unfortunately they are discontinued).
We have less stocks for other Tessen too.

And today, let us present Tessen of 6 coins of Sanada, above picture.

The six rings are Japanese old coin (mon). This mark is Sanada Yukimura and his family cran's flag mark, called ROKUMONSEN (roku = 6, Mon= Japanese Old currency, Sen = coins)

In Japanese old superstition or a kind of religious belief, we will go over a river named SANZU.
This literary means "three ways crossing". Three is Buddhism's key number.This river is believed as line of life and death.

To cross this river, you have to pay 6 Mon as the "last boat" fare. The 6 is told as 6 ways of reincarnation based on Buddhism.

Sanada's 6 coins flag mark means, he is ready for death , never afraid his death in his war fields.

We love his Samurai-ships, his manly life.
