Yoshichou is the name of Edo-city. There are many inns, Oiran (Edo prostitute) brothels.
Currently, the name of this city, Yoshichou is used for many traditional things such as Geta and Kanzashi.The Kushi (left) comb is use on your head top as crown. Kougai (right one in the right picture) the stick is as well. The two stick Kanzashi (Two left ones in the right picture) is called MATSUBA, needle of pine tree because of the forks. These Matsuba Kanzashi is used at the side of head.But of course you can use anywhere you like!
The colour of this yellow is called "RANKOU", which is written as egg turtle-shell. This colour is just like the egg's yolk.
We hope you will enjoy Edo items in your country!